Living dining room space staged multiple scenes of life, in life between the square inches, often eager to transient gorgeous, life should be non-self-replication, emotions in time and space flow with each other. To explore how to satisfy self-pleasure in a complicated life through multi-sensory experience.
The round colored spheres are like light sources. We try to create different experiences with the two elements of light and circle.
With irregular strokes, through the appropriate combination of laws can create a rich and fascinating painting, and most of the objects in nature are irregular composition.不被阻隔的厨房空间,餐桌连接着吧台。一日三餐的时光,皆可互动交流。明亮通透自然光线的投射让每一日的时光都值得收藏。Unobstructed kitchen space with tables attached to the bar. The Three Meals a Day of time, can be interactive communication. The bright, natural light cast makes each day a collector's item.
生活的本质是变化,在停滞倦怠的时代语境下我们渴望新鲜感,精神的内在动因促使我们去跨越不同的维度,在这种状态下寻求一种可持续的生活方式。The essence of life is change. In the context of the era of stagnation and ennui, we crave novelty. The inner motivation of spirit urges us to cross different dimensions and seek a sustainable way of life in this state.
The relationship between space and human being is reawakened, the boundary of space is weakened, and the behavior of human being is reduced by more open space, show people's most primitive emotional changes, ways of thinking.
整个空间材质的选择遵循功能和搭配的和谐共处,墙面的微水泥质感充满静默的能量,深灰色的地砖、天花的木饰面各自独立,却又形成整体画面感。空间格调平衡和谐,运用简约、返璞归真的设计手法,在空间中仿若看到时光静默地流淌,回归生活的最初的纯粹。The selection of the material of the whole space follows the harmonious coexistence of function and collocation. The micro-cement texture of the wall is full of silent energy. Space style balance and harmony, the use of simple, back-to-basics design techniques, in the space as if to see the time flowing silently, return to the original purity of life.The viewer can experience the relaxation of wandering through the woods. The form of life is by no means static, the boundaries of the defined space become blurred, and the imprints of people in the space dramatically interweave with each other. The space reorganizes many times, embeds gives the living space the more flexible use condition, the new order and the activity occurs here...
Space is the space of joy. Go back to your room after a busy day and have your own private time. The gentle and elegant aromatherapy makes the bedtime time warm and soothing. A quiet private territory is the most appropriate expression of love of life.
我们不断追求艺术化的空间表达,从生活的各个维度凝结审美认知,凸显极致理想的生活美学。空间有属于他的能量,从社交空间转到居住空间也发生了情绪转变。We constantly pursue the artistic space expression, condenses the esthetic cognition from each dimension of life, highlights the extreme ideal esthetics of life. Space has its own energy, and there is an emotional shift from social space to living space.
翻几页史书,把灵感在纸上记录,多年来养成的阅读习惯让老人和闲适的空间融为一体。Bedroom decorative elements are not crowded, are filled with different lightness of the earth color. The second bedroom is the parents' room, they treat the life style advocate comfortable quality simple, the decoration material uses very little, the top surface of the circular shape wraps the tough corner edge. Turn a few pages of history, the inspiration on paper records, over the years to develop the habit of reading and leisure space for the elderly into one.
我们希望以一种轻松的姿态在探索与成长中建立互动体验空间,寻找不同艺术形式的平衡点,用艺术对话建立亲密的亲子关系。We hope to establish an interactive experience space in the exploration and growth with a relaxed attitude, find the balance point of different art forms, and establish close parent-child relationship with artistic dialogue.
家中每一寸的空间都是精心营造的场域。在儿童房内,释放孩子的天性,将家变成一个梦想的城堡。喜欢篮球、喜欢探险、喜欢攀岩运动,在男孩房里这些都可以实现,化为对灯箱的追寻,对世界的探索。Every inch of your home is a carefully constructed space. In the children's room, release the child's nature, the home into a dream castle. Like basketball, like adventure, like rock climbing sports, in the boys room these can be achieved, into the search for light box, to explore the world.
假如我们将生活空间当作一个具有叙事性的艺术形式载体,时间、事件、物件都在讲述一个故事...当日与夜发生更替,“质感”成为生活中最独特的体验,设计师用细微的视角重新关注生活,呈现极具情绪的画面语言。If we take the living space as a narrative art form carrier, time, events, objects are telling a story... When the day and night change, “Texture” into the most unique experience of life, designers with a subtle perspective to re-focus on life, showing a very emotional picture language.