义乌-慧泽 · 光spa会所
- 项目名称:义乌-慧泽 · 光spa会所
- 项目地点:浙江省 金华市 义乌市SPA
- 开发商:慧泽 · 光spa会所
- 设计参考价:¥100/㎡
- 项目类型:商业
- 形态:大区
- 建成时间:2023年
- 风格:现代
- 设计面积:362㎡
- 容积率:3
- 发布日期:2024-04-07
- 最近更新:2024-04-07 15:55
" 01 太阳之光 - 太阳,作为那充满光辉与能量的象征,在我们日常生活中舞动着至关紧要的画卷。光,如同生命之精粹,传达着一种积极向上的精神风貌。它不仅令人沐浴在希望与温暖之中,还是权威的象征。 The Sun, as a symbol of light and energy, dances with vital images in our daily lives. Light, like the essence of life, conveys a positive spiritual outlook. It is not only bathed in hope and warmth, but also a symbol of authority. 太阳女神的神秘华彩在每个设计细节中璀璨绽放,设计师以巧妙的手法将太阳女神的寓意融入方方面面,营造出一个独一无二、深邃而富有内涵的设计壁画。如太阳般照耀,每个元素都闪耀着神秘的光芒,勾勒出设计的华丽画卷。 The mysterious splendor of the sun goddess blossomed in every design detail. The designer skillfully integrated the meaning of the sun goddess into all aspects, create a unique, profound and rich connotation of the design murals. As the sun shines, each element shines with a mysterious light, outlining the design of the gorgeous scroll. 甚至渗透到建筑的每个角落,无论是形状、色彩,还是软装细节,设计师都精妙地编织着这场宏伟的艺术故事。建筑外观的雄伟与内部动线的巧妙布局相互辉映,创造出一个充满深远寓意的空间氛围。 Even permeate every corner of the building, whether it is shape, color, or soft-fitting details, designers are subtly weaving this magnificent art story. The grandeur of the building's exterior and the ingenious layout of the internal lines reflect each other, creating a space atmosphere full of profound implications. 这场创意的饗宴为设计灌注了独特的魅力和诗意,使得空间仿佛成为一首充满生机和表达力的抒情诗。 This creative feast for the design of a unique charm and poetic, making the space as if to become a full of vitality and expression of lyric poetry. " 02 设计的 魔法笔触 - 光圈、权杖等神秘元素在这个空间中跃动,如诗一般编织出一幅温暖、亲切和关怀的画卷。这不仅仅是为了赋予设计以美感和装饰性,更是通过这些富有象征性的符号。 The mysterious elements, such as aperture and scepter, leap in this space, weaving a picture of warmth, kindness and care like a poem. This is not only to give the design aesthetic and decorative, but also through these rich symbolic symbols. 光圈代表着光明和阳光,象征着积极向上的精神态度。通过光圈的运用,营造出一种明亮、温暖的氛围,让顾客感受到温暖和关怀。 Aperture represents light and sunlight, a symbol of positive mental attitude. Through the use of aperture, create a bright, warm atmosphere, so that customers feel warm and caring. 在这里,每一处光圈犹如一颗温暖之心,每一根权杖如同一柄慈爱之杖,共同勾勒出皮肤管理会所独特的企业形象,让顾客在这温馨充溢的空间中感受到宾至如归的呵护。 Here, each aperture is like a warm heart, each scepter is like a staff of love, together sketching the unique corporate image of skin management club, let the customer feel at home in this warm space. " 03 弧的艺术 - 弧形吊顶如同一场优雅的舞蹈,轻盈地弯曲在空中,勾勒出空间的柔美线条。其独特的设计,仿佛是空间中的一段抒情旋律,让整体环境在曲线的舞动中流露出一种宛如音符般的轻盈感。 The arc-shaped ceiling is like an elegant dance, gently bending in the air, outlining the soft lines of the space. Its unique design, as if a lyrical melody in the space, so that the overall environment in the dance of the curve revealed a kind of like musical notes of lightness. 弧形吊顶不仅仅是装饰,更是一种艺术的呈现,为空间增添了一份动感与优雅,使人仿佛沉浸在一场空灵的曲线之美中。 The curved ceiling is not only a decoration, but also an artistic presentation, adding a sense of movement and elegance to the space, as if immersed in an ethereal beauty of curves. 而弧形吊顶与梁的交错编织,形成一种独特的结合,仿佛是空间的音符与旋律交织。这种结合不仅仅是形式上的巧妙搭配,更是对空间层次感的巧妙处理,使得整个空间呈现出一种错落有致、富有层次感的设计之美。 The curved ceiling and the beam of cross-weaving, forming a unique combination, as if the notes and melody of the space interwoven. This combination is not only the form of clever collocation, but also the sense of spatial level of clever processing, so that the whole space presents a patchwork, rich sense of design beauty.